After taking an operating systems class last year and taking a data systems class this semester, I’ve picked up a few patterns to make it easier to handle error conditions in C.

Consider the following example from my data systems class, where I initialize a directory to act as persistent storage for my database.

struct storage {
    char st_dbdir[128];   // name of the db directory
    struct file *st_file; // pointer to metadata file
    struct lock *st_lock; // protect addition of columns
    struct columnarray *st_open_cols; // array of open columns

Here’s a first pass at initializing a storage struct. In this example, I ignore all errors and will throw an assertion error if an error occurs.

struct storage *
storage_init(char *dbdir)
    struct storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct storage));
    assert(storage != NULL);

    storage->st_lock = lock_create();
    assert(storage->st_lock != NULL);

    storage->st_open_cols = columnarray_create();
    assert(storage->st_open_cols != NULL);

    assert(mkdir(dbdir, S_IRWXU) == 0);

    strcpy(storage->st_dbdir, dbdir);
    char buf[128];
    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", dbdir, METADATA_FILENAME);
    storage->st_file = file_open(buf);
    assert(storage->st_file != NULL);

    return storage;

Obviously, this is not robust. If any of the operations return an error, we would get an assertion failure and our server process would exit unexpectedly. Thus, we need to check for errors and cleanup all the calls that occurred before the error.

struct storage *
storage_init(char *dbdir)
    struct storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct storage));
    if (storage == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    storage->st_lock = lock_create();
    if (storage->st_lock == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    storage->st_open_cols = columnarray_create();
    if (storage->st_open_cols == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    int result = mkdir(dbdir, S_IRWXU);
    if (result) {
        return NULL;

    strcpy(storage->st_dbdir, dbdir);
    char buf[128];
    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", dbdir, METADATA_FILENAME);
    storage->st_file = file_open(buf);
    if (storage->st_file == NULL) {
        assert(rmdir(dbdir) == 0);
        return NULL;

    return storage;

As you can see, performing error handling naively like this results in quadratic growth in cleanup operations: each error checking needs to cleanup every operation before it, and as a result, the free(storage) line gets repeated multiple times. Can we do better?

Yes! The key to this is use goto statements. Many introductory computer science courses discourage use of goto statements, and rightfully so: goto statements, if used inappropriately, can lead to spaghetti code and can make code very difficult to reason about. However, error handling is a perfect use for goto statements to avoid quadratic code growth.

struct storage *
storage_init(char *dbdir)
    struct storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct storage));
    if (storage == NULL) {
        goto done;

    storage->st_lock = lock_create();
    if (storage->st_lock == NULL) {
        goto cleanup_malloc;

    storage->st_open_cols = columnarray_create();
    if (storage->st_open_cols == NULL) {
        goto cleanup_lock;

    int result = mkdir(dbdir, S_IRWXU);
    if (result) {
        goto cleanup_colarray;

    strcpy(storage->st_dbdir, dbdir);
    char buf[128];
    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", dbdir, METADATA_FILENAME);
    storage->st_file = file_open(buf);
    if (storage->st_file == NULL) {
        goto cleanup_mkdir;

    // success
    result = 0;
    goto done;

    assert(rmdir(dbdir) == 0);
    storage = NULL;
    return storage;

By laying out the error handling code labels in reverse order in which the operations were invoked, we can quickly jump to the appropriate position to start cleaning up all the operations that occurred before it. This eliminates the quadratic code growth in error handling! Furthermore, there is only one exit point of this function (at the very bottom), and reasoning about exit points for this version is much easier than the previous version, especially when we throw in concurrencry primitives and needing to remember to release locks.

To eliminate the boiler plate of checking the return value and then jumping to the appropriate label on error, I wrote a couple of useful macros. It relies on design decision to make all functions that may have an error:

  1. Return NULL (e.g., if the function allocates a data structure)
  2. Return int, where the int is an error code specific to your application, and 0 is success.
#ifndef _DBERROR_H_
#define _DBERROR_H_

enum dberror {
    DBSUCCESS = 0,
    ... // other errors

const char *dberror_string(enum dberror result);

void dberror_log(char *msg, const char *file,
                 int line, const char *func);

#define DBLOG(result) \
        dberror_log((char *) dberror_string((result)), \
                     __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);

In this code, I define an enumeration enum dberror to represent the different kinds of error codes for my database application. I also provide a DBLOG(result) macro which, when given an error code, prints out the human readable string for that code, as well as the file, line number, and function where DBLOG was invoked. By designing your internal API using the two points above and invoking DBLOG every time an error occurs, we effectively get a stack trace for every error!

Now let’s combine this error logging facility to reduce the boiler plate for the error handling code above.

#ifndef _TRY_H_
#define _TRY_H_

#include <stddef.h>
#include "dberror.h"

#define TRY(result, expr, cleanup) \
    (result) = (expr); \
    if ((result)) { \
        DBLOG((result)); \
        goto cleanup; \

#define TRYNULL(result, err, var, expr, cleanup) \
    (var) = (expr); \
    if ((var) == NULL) { \
        (result) = (err); \
        DBLOG((result)); \
        goto cleanup; \


The TRY macro allows us to execute expr, and if that returns a nonzero error code, we jump to the provided cleanup label.

The TRYNULL macro is similar–it assigns var to be the result of expr, checks if var is NULL, and if it is, assigns the appropriate error code to result and jumps to the cleanup label.

Using this, let’s write our final version of storage:

struct storage *
storage_init(char *dbdir)
    int result;
    struct storage *storage;

    TRYNULL(result, DBENOMEM, storage, malloc(sizeof(struct storage)), done);
    TRYNULL(result, DBENOMEM, storage->st_lock, lock_create(), cleanup_malloc);
    TRYNULL(result, DBENOMEM, storage->st_open_cols, columnarray_create(), cleanup_lock);
    TRY(result, mkdir(dbdir, S_IRWXU), cleanup_colarray);

    strcpy(storage->st_dbdir, dbdir);
    char buf[128];
    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", dbdir, METADATA_FILENAME);
    TRYNULL(result, DBEIONOFILE, storage->st_file, file_open(buf), cleanup_mkdir);

    // success
    result = 0;
    goto done;

    assert(rmdir(dbdir) == 0);
    storage = NULL;
    return storage;

Nice and simple! Here’s all the things that this pattern addressed:

  • Allow error handling using only linear, and not quadratic, code growth.
  • Our TRY and TRYNULL macros eliminate the boiler plate, and automatically performs logging to give us a stack trace of errors.